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Aesthetic Dentistry


Aesthetic Dentistry, one of the most popular dental branches of recent years, has features that combine science and art. In addition to being a type of treatment applied depending on some disciplines, it is a branch of Dentistry that offers the best results for patients from an aesthetic, functional and biological point of view. Aesthetic Dentistry, which aims to eliminate intraoral problems, give an aesthetic appearance to teeth and gums and fully perform their functions, aims to add healthy and beautiful smiles to individuals. Therefore, all treatments and applications are planned individually. The first rule of having a beautiful smile and being aesthetically remarkable is to have a healthy mouth structure.

Why Is Aesthetic Dentistry Necessary?

Everyone who needs an aesthetic smile has different reasons. Aesthetic dentistry treatments can be performed for reasons such as gender, incompatible lips, discoloration of the teeth, distorted and distorted teeth, age and facial features are incompatible with each other. People who have functional and aesthetic concerns about the structure of the mouth and teeth prefer these aesthetic dental practices. Thanks to the advantages offered by today's medical technologies, it is possible to have a natural, healthy and cosmetically impressive smile. This is no longer a dream! With a personalized treatment plan, a specialist and experienced dentist and treatments performed in a well-equipped clinic, you can always get results that make a difference.

Aesthetic Dentistry Treatments

Before aesthetic dentistry and smile design, the needs of the person should be determined and appropriate practices should be planned. Different treatments are applied for everyone, and it is not possible to provide the same smile aesthetic for everyone. In some individuals, one or more applications are sufficient, while in others, more than one treatment may be needed. In determining these treatments, many elements such as the patient's age, gender, personal expectations, facial lines, lip structure, color of teeth, and shape are evaluated. The most popular aesthetic dentistry treatment methods are:

Gum aesthetics: in this application, also called Pink aesthetics, the gums are shaped and harmonized.
Teeth whitening: one of the most commonly used treatments. The persistence of the application effect varies from person to person. Office type can be applied as Home type.
Porcelain lamina: broken or problematic teeth, orthodontic treatments are not desired, such as tooth perplexity is applied in different situations. There is no need to cut the tooth.
Implant: dental deficiencies prevent both smile aesthetics and negatively affect dental function. Implant treatment for the elimination of dental deficiencies is a practical and easy treatment method.
Zirconium teeth: it is durable, compatible with natural tooth color, did not minimize gum problems and is very advantageous due to its conductivity property. Zirconium veneers are one of the most popular applications of Aesthetic Dentistry.
Inlay-Onlay restorations: these fillings, which are applied to patients with loss of dental tissue or lack of volume, can be used in different materials such as porcelain and composites. In order for these applications to be made, sufficient dental tissue is needed to support the filling.