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Things To Know About Root Canal Treatment

There are false facts about root canal treatment. One of them is that root canal treatment is a very difficult and painful treatment. In fact, root canal treatment is done in an easy and practical way in today's technology. After the condition of your problematic tooth is determined by your dentist and canal treatment begins. Root canal treatment is completed with 1-2 sessions depending on the condition of the tooth. Although there is no age limit for this treatment, children under the age of 16 are not recommended. After your dentist has determined the condition of the pulp inside the tooth, you will decide the eligibility status of this. It is very important for the health of the patient to apply this treatment to an experienced dentist.

How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

The duration of root canal treatment varies depending on the condition of the damaged tooth. Unless there is an extraordinary situation, it is completed in 30-60 minutes. In some exceptional cases, 2 sessions may be required. During root canal treatment, the patient does not feel any pain because local anesthesia is applied. Other treatments, other than this treatment, damage tooth decay, pulp and surrounding tissues. As a result, tooth loss and infections in the surrounding tissues occur. It is important to plan the treatment individually so that the results leading to tooth deficiency do not occur.

Canal Treatment Healing Process

Since you are under anesthesia after root canal treatment, be careful not to damage your tongue and lip. Do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours after treatment. During the recovery period, do not eat hard and harmful foods to speed up the process. After treatment, there may be slight pain, this should not worry you. Be sure to use the medications recommended by the dentist. Medications ease the healing process. The healing process of root canal treatment may be different in each patient. If temporary fillings fall off, call your doctor and let them know. In general, within 1 Week you will get rid of all the pain and fully recover. Factors such as the amount of caries on the tooth undergoing surgery, the size of the inflamed tissue around the root, and the patient's oral health are effective in the healing process. If you follow the doctor's advice after treatment, you will soon recover and regain your health.

What to Consider After Root Canal Treatment?

Continue brushing your teeth after root canal treatment and be careful to floss. After root canal treatment, you are likely to have problems with chewing functions. For this, you can use the recommended painkillers. If your dentist has recommended that you use antibiotics, you should definitely use them within the specified time, even if all the symptoms of the infection disappear. Be sure to consult your dentist if you have problems with bite function and the pain does not stop. As with any surgical procedure, there may be inflammation after root canal treatment. After root canal treatment, inflammation that occurs in and around the intervened tooth is the normal process of healing. You may feel pain, throbbing and tenderness during chewing and biting function. These symptoms that occur after surgery are mild. If you follow the doctor's advice, these problems will disappear.