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Zirconium Veneer

Zirconium veneer treatment is a form of treatment performed in place of missing dental tissue by applying porcelain to an infrastructure consisting of a zirconium alloy, i.e. zirconium oxide. Due to the increasing aesthetic expectation with the developing technology today, new dental substances have started to be used in dentistry. The most popular of these are porcelain with a zircon infrastructure. Zirconium veneer is one of the most preferred veneers in terms of aesthetics and durability. It is a preferred type of veneer due to its long-term use and compatibility with dental tissue. It has a natural and aesthetic appearance, which is caused by its white color and light transmittance. It is fully compatible with tissues and does not cause an allergic reaction. Thanks to innovative methods used in the production phase, the margin of error is zero. Its fine structure is compatible with teeth. It is very resistant and robust. Its chewing function is excellent and it certainly does not create sensitivity in the teeth due to its thermal conductivity.

What Is Zirconium Veneer, How Is It Performed?

Zirconium material used in different sectors is a white and durable material used instead of the gray metal found in the infrastructure of classic metal supported porcelain veneers and bridge prostheses. Teeth whitening and other treatment methods cannot be corrected with colored teeth, orthodontic treatment cannot be done in cases, teeth with large tooth filling and aesthetic purposes to provide a perfect smile is used. Bone formation can be done in people older than 18-20 years of age. Zirconium veneer is made similar to other dental veneer applications. The most important difference between dental veneer treatments is the material used for treatment. As with other veneer treatments, minor corrections are made to the teeth to be coated before zirconium veneer is applied. The size of the tooth is reduced and a form suitable for the veneer is provided. Zirconium, which does not damage the teeth, is produced in the laboratory with the support of CAD/CAM technology according to the structure of the person's mouth and teeth. On top of the zirconium infrastructure produced in the color appropriate to the tooth structure, porcelain is processed and made fully compatible with the tooth. In the final stage, the dentist glues the tooth with special tooth veneer adhesives and applies it to stay permanently.

Zirconium veneer and other dental veneers can only be applied to patients with a healthy oral structure. If the patient has gum problems, these problems are primarily treated. Zirconium teeth can be applied after gum disease is treated. Due to tooth loss, there should be no problem with neighboring teeth. If there is bone resorption caused by this, a bone transplant is performed to this area first, and treatment continues until the end. Zirconium is a high-tech product that has proven its durability as a heat shield in space shuttles and as a brake disc in sports cars. Currently, it is used by dentists in dental treatment and especially in dental veneers. It is very effective as it is a tissuefriendly substance. Zirconium is of great importance in dental treatment and is widely used. The effect and area of use is quite large.