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Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie

It is common for teeth to wear out and be damaged due to possible causes. Damage to bone or mouth tissue over time causes serious health problems.



Jaw joint disorders can be defined as; chewing muscles in the mouth, jaw joint, part of the head and neck muscles, joints, teeth, cheek, lip and salivary glands are diseases that include problems that negatively affect the system.



This branch, known as Pediatric Dentistry, is a dental science that includes the protection and treatment of milk and permanent teeth in children aged 0-15 years.


Digitale Zahnheilkunde

The definition of digital dentistry has been frequently raised in recent years. Not only in the dental world, but in all other sectors, developments are taking place that keep pace with the digital age. With digital dentistry, dental treatments are now more practical, painless, easy and target-oriented.



Our teeth are our most distinctive and aesthetic limbs. Because we do all our needs with our teeth, such as speech, smile and nutrition, it is important that our teeth are always white.



Gum diseases include diseases that occur in the gums and tissues surrounding the roots of the teeth. If it is diagnosed early and not treated, serious surgery may be required leading to surgery.


Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde

Aesthetic Dentistry, one of the most popular dental branches of recent years, has features that combine science and art.



One of the biggest dental problems is tooth deficiency and tooth loss. A lack of teeth, caused by various reasons, causes chewing, speech and aesthetic problems in people.



Orthodontics is one of the most important medical branches of Dentistry. Orthodontic treatment is performed in many dental clinics and is an important treatment in dental tourism.


Prothetische Zahnbehandlung

Dental prostheses are divided into two parts. It is applied as removable ( movable ) and fixed dental prostheses. It is a treatment method applied in cases where the treatments applied to eliminate tooth deficiency do not give results.